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IMPORTANT !!! Reclaiming the Recreation Center


Respected Overseas or Foreign landlord and tenants,

Recently this community has been going through a serious matter. and we are inclined to inform everyone who is apart of Lotus Hill Community that we are still negotiating with the Jie He Contruction Company regarding the matter of redeeming/reclaiming the Recreation Center so as to make it a part of the community's property and also to manage it on our own.

The conditions for reclaiming the recreation center must have 1012 (50%) letters of agreement latest by 30th April 2011 (Post it as a registered letter or personally submit it to Management center).But, if the reclamation condition are not met, Jie He Contruction Company would sell this part of the property which could lead to problems in security and a loss of recreational facilities.If you or your landlord did not submit the agreement letters, you would not be able to enjoy the facilities at the Recreation center for free, in fact you must pay a fee in order to use these facilities. Those who abide by this agreement could have these facilities, while those who do not agree would not have them,so we wish you or your landlord to sign the agreement as soon as possible.

After signing the agreement, you or maybe your landlord would be having more property rights and would also need to pay a part of the land and income tax, but, in return you would achieve a safer and an equipped Recreational Center, which makes it all worth it!

If you are a landlord, please sign the agreement quickly to join us. If you are a tenant, we hope that you could enquire with your landlord in singing the contract, as this would be directly relate to whether you and your family would have the priority to use the recreation center free of cost or pay to use, therefore we hope that everyone would join together in loving and maintaining this community.

Recreation Center Committee Promotional Team

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